“‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel, throw down your hair!”
She thought he said, ‘Your underwear.'”
Like the old game of Telephone, messages get garbled in Falling for Rapunzel, a fractured fairy tale by Leah Wilcox and Lydia Monks. Each time the prince calls up to Rapunzel in her tower, Rapunzel misunderstands. Throw down her locks, or her dirty socks? This silly rhyming book fits beautifully into a fairy tale unit, but I like it as a snort-inducing read for Valentine’s Day. After reading this book, play a game of Telephone with your class and see how messages can change from ear to ear. Or give your students prompts to supply goofy rhymes:
“The prince called out, ‘Climb down the vine!’
Rapunzel threw …..”
For more fractured fun, check out Waking Beauty by the same team.